Thursday, April 23, 2009

Just the Girls

I’ve recently returned from a weekend celebrating a friend’s birthday. I LOVE this girl – she LOVES her birthday and I really think that’s an incredibly endearing trait of hers. Because of it – it provides the catalyst for twelve women to get together to celebrate once a year. Some of us have known each other through work for over 15 years…we’ve seen each other through our wild single days (although I'm certain it wasn't really "that wild"), motherhood, divorce, health scares, job changes, successes, humiliations – you name it. Even if we haven’t been able to be there in person, we’ll hear about it through the grapevine and our thoughts are not far from the other. Others of us know each other through friends or affiliations – but regardless, we’ve all been around each other enough times to care – and that makes for moments of joy and elation at the sight of each other and a day full of catching up as well as making more memories together.

What struck me about this particular trip was the unconditional acceptance of who each woman was. That we have grown to admire the craziness of one, generosity of another, the more quiet, shy nature of yet another. Each person brings a unique quality to the whole – and there’s no judgment that one is not like another. I still sit here today fascinated by the feeling of it. Here were twelve women who were out on a mission to capture and experience as much joy and laughter and fun as an 8 hour bus ride in the wine country could allow. Rest assured – it allows for a lot!

Beyond the hilarious antics of the day – there was the beauty of watching the healing of a rift between two of the women who were deeply meant to be friends, there were secrets being shared in one-off private conversations – there was dancing and singing and laughing and crying. It was a celebration and in every celebration there is opportunity. This was our opportunity to re-connect and to enjoy the freedom of hanging loose with the women in our lives who we don’t see every day, but for whom we might be lesser than, if they were not in our lives.

As I was starting out my career with several of these women, I don’t think I ever thought that they would become part of the very fabric of who I am. But as I think back on our years together and the memories that now come out of weekends like this one – I can’t help but think about how blessed I am to have these kinds of connections and to see other women comfortable in the life they have carved out for themselves. I walk away from this weekend, joyful for having been a part of it and grateful for the lesson that there is no “one” way to live life … only “right” people to live it with!


  1. Staci, what a great reflection on a truly amazing day spent with wonderful girlfriends! I couldn't have captured it better. I'm beyond lucky to have you and the 11 other women who shared that day in my life. I'm already looking forward to next year's celebration of friendship and love (mixed with a sprinkling of birthday cheer!)
    Love you tons!

  2. Staci,

    This is a beautiful recounting of an amazing day celebrating an amazing friend who has been the linch pin for so many great friendships. I am so grateful to know all of you intelligent, courageous, insightful, positive, passionate, patient women... which is no wonder why those are all qualities that I hope my little lady carries with her throughout her lifetime.

    Thanks for starting this blog, and thank you for your friendship.

